Thursday, April 26, 2007

Two Theme Songs and One Podcast

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"One-Minute Seinfeld"
Missy Elliott vs. Seinfeld theme
MP3 audio, 1.1 MB

MLS Theme
Noddable remix
MP3 audio, 872 KB

Noddables Bootie-to-Go Podcast
playlist and download here:

The two latest additions to my oeuvre are both theme-song redos. Combined they will take you approximately two minutes to get through.

One is a mashup of the Seinfeld theme and Missy's "One-Minute Man". I did it to get it out of my head and didn't plan to post it, but then I found
WFMU's one-minute remix competition and submitted it (I don't even know who won, but I'm sure I was robbed). I haven't done "artwork" for it so, if you're reading this (ha!), you like this mashup, and you like doing photochops, send one in (noddables at gmail) and I'll post it.

The other is a remix of the MLS theme. This was done on request (I do take requests, though I usually take forever to finish them) for
The Offside Rules. I've mentioned SF in this space before, in the context of This New American. From what I can tell, he's let that one go and just does TOR now. It's a seriously entertaining read, and I don't even know what he's on about half the time. (Sort of like when I'm up early on Sunday morning on my way to Pilates and I hear the sports update at the end of BBC World News [So I'm a yuppie and a metalhead. Problem with that?] only much funnier. What's a wicket again?) Helps if you follow soccer, but read it anyway. Seriously.

Compared to those, my Bootie-to-Go podcast goes on forever. (Partly, I think, because more often than I would've guessed, I work in an uncommon genre: the depressing mashup. ) I buried a mention to this in my metal post, so I'm mentioning it again, in case I lost you at "metal".

It's got nearly everything I've done to this point, even the early stuff, which I "freehanded" in
Audacity without using a click track (much less a beatmapper). I redid a few tracks that were just too wobbly and/or out of key, even for the likes of me, and you might see those on their own in this space at some point (or just ask).

I put much of it together in Acid Music, though at the time, I clearly wasn't aware of some of its limitations, either. (I read on GYBO much later that Acid doesn't handle tempo changes well... no kidding... and they were referring to Acid Pro!) So some of it sounds like your transistor radio is not quite tuned in. It's crapalicious, to be sure, but I hope it's crapalicious in some vaguely charming way. I never bothered to fix it because, at the time, I thought I was on deadline. It's obvious now that I had all the time in the world, but I'm ready to move on.

I'm using Acid Pro now, and I must grudgingly admit it's far superior to anything else I've used. For the time being, I'm making some forays into actual production, and trying to collaborate cross-country with my brother. And you can hear that... when it's finished.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

New Year, New Look

Mysterious D left a comment recently, I had to admit that maybe someone reads this thing. Why punish those of you who do stop by with an unreadable template, and why not spruce up the place with a few pictures? There you have it.

I even posted "artwork" for mashups I did long ago. It seems that sometimes it just takes a while for people to come around (be it to your point of view or your music). A MySpace comment has sparked some interest in my very first mashup. (Thanks Pat, whoever you are.) And my third mashup ever is available streaming on Project Playlist (though I have no idea how people are finding it), also a MySpace thingy. (Thanks Rupert Murdoch?)

On a final MySpace note, Erock posted the jowler above as a comment on my MySpace profile. (What's a jowler?) While I appreciate his portrayal of the dark side of steroids (Just say no, kids! The homeruns aren't worth it!), that's just not noddable. In fact, I'm shaking my head (quickly, in front of a camera), which is the opposite of nodding, if you think about it. Enjoy it now -- I could go into a roid rage at any time and lose my sense of humor. As for Erock... let's just say I got a digital camera for Xmas... and I know where Erock lives... and I'm not above revenge ...

Update: So, I found myself on Project Playlist, but
my track was not properly labelled. So ~700 people were actually trying to get Whitney Houston's "So Emotional" and got my "So Emo". Kind of different. As nice as it is to have a captive audience, people should get what they expect. So I moved my file to a different directory, and now the link on Project Playlist is broken. Anyone seeking out "So Emo" can find it relatively easily, so I'm not worried about it.